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CE+T will not share your data with third parties. All information will be used exclusively in the scope of the My.CET services.

Your data will be stored in a secure database.

If you have any question about the use of your personal data, you can contact us or consult our privacy policy at
* Compulsory fields
If you have a CE+T invoice number or shipping note number, you can specify it in the Invoice/Packing list text box, it will reduce the delay for receiving your account.
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Information available on the site E-business of CE+T S.A is likely to change without preliminary notification and is provided "Such as they are", without guarantee of any kind, expresse or implicit, including, but without to limit to the implicit guarantees or of adequacy and satisfaction to a particular use, or non-violation. certain jurisdictions do not recognize the exclusion of implicit guarantees. it is thus possible that exclusion above does not apply in your case. Although sustained efforts were provided to guarantee the reliability of the site E-business of CE+T S.A, because of the public nature of the site E-business of CE+T S.A and the possibility of errors in the storage and the transmission of the numerical information, CE+T S.A does not guarantee the reliability of the informations obtained in this site E-business, being able to present technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. CE+T S.A can also carry out improvements and/or changes in these products and/or programs described in this information at any time and this, without notice.

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The site E-business of CE+T S.A contains several trade marks CE+T S.A and of the third trade marks as well as marks of service. All the trade marks are the property of their respective company. All the intellectual property rights contained in the site E-business of CE+T S.A including the © copyright, the trade marks, the commercial secrets and substantive patent law are reserved. The access to the site E-business of CE+T S.A does not constitute a right of copy or use of the intellectual property of CE+T S.A or its suppliers.

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The terms of purchase contain the conditions of sale, of repair out and under guarantee of CE+T S.A, which are defined in this site at the time of the purchase. The fact of carrying out an order implies the acceptance of these conditions.

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